The bridge which consists of both Lady Gaga's and Jonathan Ive's working space fits into the huge valley by having one end inserted into the valley wall and another placed on the valley.

Lady Gaga's space with a big ring above, gives an eye-catching effect just like her influence to the community. The wavy floor slab correlates with the wave-like bridge. Besides, it also echoes that her influence is as powerful as wave.

A spider-web like staircase is fitted into Gaga's working place which also resembles the idea of power as spider-web is strong in way of capturing prey.

High interaction between spaces in Lady Gaga's office, catering to the fact that one would want to proceed up through the spaces from bottom level (level with spider staircase), reinforcing the high interaction with her fans.
Jonathan's working place as viewed from the rear is presented in a intruding way. This shows his low profiled characteristic as the man behind the iconic brand.
As compared to Gaga's office, there is less interaction between spaces as both the level of spaces are stable and hold one's intention to stay.
Jonathan's idea of being magical is also presented here by making no staircase between the two floors and imposing curiosity on how one could walk through the spaces.

The round tables and chairs with circular line pattern form ripple-like pattern. This denotes his power propagates in a quiet way (low profile).

Meeting room with Jonathan's seat at the middle shows his importance towards the iconic brand- Apple.
crysis_key: door-p(hold)
(exp3_v03 is for the final submission)
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