Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Submission of Experiment 3_ Dining Table

crysis_key: open-l

Lady Gaga's side

The amalgamation of piano with dining table reinforces the idea of creativeness and innovation, which are the key influences of Lady Gaga.

Jonathan Ive's side

The grand piano cover as viewed from behind is still eye-catching, echoing the indelible marks made by Lady Gaga on existing products, especially fashion and music.

In comparison with Jonathan Ive's side of the dining table which is relatively plain when it is not in use, Lady Gaga's table resembles her high profile characteristic.

The opening cover of Jonathan Ive's side of table fulfills the curiosity of beholders on how the dining table for him works.

Jonathan's key of influence is by making things magical which defined by him as inducing curiosity in people on how things work. (mentioned in mashup article)

The open-when-in-use cover symbolizes low profile characteristic of Jonathan.

When it is fully opened up, the colour of the table is shining equally through both sides of it.

Google Sketchup Link

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