Monday, April 11, 2011

Amalgation of axonometrics

Sigmund Freud: Traumatic events are memorized better.

Issac Newton: Velocity increases as the displacement traveled increases.

Electroliquid aggregation: As similar to the theory applied to velocity and displacement that velocity increases with the increase in the displacement, events are memorized more vividly with the increase of its traumatizing level.

Sigmund: Behaviour may vary as one travels through different spaces.

Newton: Objects of different masses undergo the same magnitude of gravitational force.

Electroliquid aggregation: Unlike the gravitational force objects of different masses share, one's behaviour through dissimilar space does not resemble.

Sigmund: Unconcious mind is divided into layers. As you go deeper through dream, things that are more in depth are discovered.

Newton: Weight varies according to different altitude.

Electroliquid aggregation: Weight varies with altitude and so does the discovery of buried events in the subconcious mind.

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